Index pages allow organizations to organize and present content, with customizable categories that allow your site's visitors to quickly and easily filter and group information. This is a multi-step approach where you must first create the index page, then create the individual entries or the page.
Users with the Contributor, Editor, Moderator, and Administrator role have the permission to create and edit both index pages and index entries; however, only users with the Moderator and Administrator have the permissions to delete these items and publish them to your Stacks site.
Before creating an index page, its worth reviewing a couple of areas that will impact how your users and patrons view and interact with this feature, these are Labels and Filter Vocabularies.
Almost all labels and field names within Stacks can be changed. Review the labels associated with Index Pages and Index Entries to ensure the names reflect the terminology your users/patrons would expect to see.
To update Labels:
- From the Dashboard, click the Index Pages tile
- Click the Labels tab at the top of the screen
- Review the labels from the Fields and Listing View tabs on the left side of the screen and adjust as needed
- Click Submit when finished
Filter Vocabularies
Filter vocabularies are lists of values that can be used by users and patrons to filter and group the content of your index pages. Review the filter vocabulary values associated with index pages to ensure the appropriate values are populating the lists.
To update Filter Vocabularies
- From the Dashboard, click the System Configuration tile
- Click the Filter Vocabularies tile
- Click the Index Pages tab on the left side of the screen
- Click the List terms button beside Category
- To Add new values:
- Click +Add Term
- Enter the name for the new term
- Click Save, to save the value and stay in this screen to add another OR click Save and go to list, to save this value and return to the list term view
- To Edit a value:
- Click the Edit button to the right of the value
- Update the name
- Click Save
- To Add new values:
Creating Index Pages
- From the Dashboard, click Index Pages
- Click +Add Index Page
- Complete the form in the window that opens
- Title - this will appear at the top of the index page
- Language - select the language for the index page
- Body - this will appear at the top of the Index page directly under the title
- Provide meaningful text that explains the purpose of the index page or how it can be used effectively
- Review and adjust the Publishing workflow
- Click Save
Once the Index page has been completed you can begin creating the entries that will be associated with the index page, for more information see the article Create Index Entries.
Settings for Index Pages
Additional settings can also be configured here to control the how your users/patrons will see index page information when viewing the Listing View or Detail View for your entries.
- Listing View - this is the initial list of directory listing entries users/patrons will see when they navigate to the /index_pages page
- Details View - this is the view users/patrons will see when they click on any one listing entry
- From the Dashboard, click the Index Pages tile
- Click the Settings tab at the top of the screen
- Click the Listing View sub-tab
- Enable Listing View, when checked this enables access to the listing view for the content type
- If disabled, when a user attempts to load the URL for this content, they will be redirected to the homepage
- Title, edit the title for the page if desired, the default value is Index Pages
- Description, enter a description for the page if desired, this will be visible to users/patrons
- Display section
- Expand First Group by Default, check this box to expand the items, when they are grouped
- Display search form, check this box to display a search bar for entries
- Display A-Z Link Index, check this box to display a link on the list view when "Group by None" is selected
- Enable Add to saved list button, check this box to enable a save to list button
- Defaults section
- Default Page Limit, select the number of entries to be displayed before pagination is enforced
- Default Grouping, select the default value entries should be grouped by
- Note: users/patrons can change this when viewing the list of entries
- Default Sort Field, select the default value entries should be sorted by
- Default Sort Order, select the default order in which entries should be sorted
- Note: users/patrons can change this when viewing the list of entries
- Field Visibility section
- Check the box beside each field that should be made visible to users/patrons when viewing the list of index pages
- Click Save configuration when finished
- Enable Listing View, when checked this enables access to the listing view for the content type
- Click the Details View sub-tab
- Field Visibility section
- Check the box beside each field that should be made visible to users/patrons when viewing the list of index pages
- Enable Add to saved list button, check this box to enable a save to list button
- Click Save configuration when finished
- Field Visibility section