If new content or other edits need to be made to update existing guides or the content within them, users with the Contributor, Editor, Moderator, or Administrator role can make changes. It should be noted that contributors and editors can only edit the guide content they have created, whereas moderators and administrators can edit or delete any guide or block as needed.
Please note, edits or the deletion of a guide block will affect all instances where the guide block has been used.
- From the Dashboard, click Research Guide
- Find the guide to edit by:
- Browsing the list; OR
- Searching the guide by name
- Once found, under the Operations column,
- To Edit
- Click Edit
- Make any desired edits, including modifying the publishing workflow as needed
- If editing a research guide block, once the modifications are complete (including the title), click Update research guide block; otherwise click Save
- Make any desired edits, including modifying the publishing workflow as needed
- Click Edit
- To Remove a guide tab or guide block
- Click the ellipsis (3 vertical dots) to the right of the tab name
- Click Remove
- A confirmation window will appear asking if you wish to remove the tab, click Remove
- Click Remove
- Click the ellipsis (3 vertical dots) to the right of the tab name
- To remove a guide block
- Click Remove under the block you wish to remove
- Click Save
- To Delete
- Click the drop-down arrow, then click Delete
- A confirmation window will appear
- Click Delete to continue; OR
- Click Cancel to cancel the deletion and return to the list of guides
- A confirmation window will appear
- Click the drop-down arrow, then click Delete
- To Edit