Administrators have the ability to configure a number of buttons that could appear alongside EDS search results in both the Discovery and Bento searches. The links these buttons direct people to are determined by the configuration of your EDS profile for your Stacks site.
Button Labels
Administrators can customize the labels for the search related buttons that may be displayed. Specifically, administrators can make these changes by navigating to: Dashboard > System Configuration > Site Labels > Search Results Buttons area.
For more information on how to customize labels, see the Site Labels article.
Enabling and Disabling Search Result Buttons
It should be noted that if one or more buttons are not displayed beside a search result, this indicates that EDS did not provide the relevant information or link that is usually reserved for those specific button(s).
To enable or disable the search result buttons:
- From the Dashboard, click Search Configuration
- Click the Buttons tile
Enable, check the box beside each of the button(s) you wish to enable (or uncheck to Disable)
EDS Specific Buttons
- Full Text - will direct users to the detail view of the search result where they can read the full article
Connect - directs the user to the Full-Text-Finder (FTF), this is used to access the full text of an article or publication
- Depending on your EDS settings, authentication may need to be configured in order for a user to access the full text
Read More - this will reveal the EDS Persistent Link (Plink), which can be authorized through IP range, SSO, or guest access. Persistent links allow users to access an article on EBSCOhost by clicking a link embedded in a website
- This can allow educators and librarians to include links to articles within EBSCOhost, making it easier for students or patrons to access desired information
Online Access - this will display as "Read Online" and link directly to a PDF, eBook, or online access URL of a publication, and in some cases, it may provide full-text access.
- Authentication is required through IP, Patron (login), or SSO in order to use this button
- The "Read Online" button will not appear by default when the "Connect" button is also enabled. To show both buttons, ensure the "Allow Read Online Button to appear with Connect Button" is also checked (this option appears towards the end of the list of buttons)
- Get Citations - will direct users to the "Citations" section of the detailed view of the search result
Document Delivery - will link users to available options to purchase full text, when none is available from EBSCOhost
- Note: this is a custom link that can be repurposed, if this button does not behave as expected, review the CustomLink configuration in EBSCOadmin
View Catalog - will link to the ILS DeepLink, which takes users out of Stacks to an item detail page in the ILS catalog. This link is sent to Stacks using the ILS's API
- Note: this is a custom link that can be repurposed, if this button does not behave as expected, review the CustomLink configuration in EBSCOadmin
NoveList - will link to non-catalog books
- Note: this is a custom link that can be repurposed, if this button does not behave as expected, review the CustomLink configuration in EBSCOadmin
Search Engine - will direct users to search engines such as Google or Yahoo! based on the sites EDS profile configuration
- Note: this is a custom link that can be repurposed, if this button does not behave as expected, review the CustomLink configuration in EBSCOadmin
ILL - links to the Interlibrary Loan System, which directs users to a form to request items through ILL
- Note: this is a custom link that can be repurposed, if this button does not behave as expected, review the CustomLink configuration in EBSCOadmin
Index - this is a custom link
- Note: this is a custom link that can be repurposed, if this button does not behave as expected, review the CustomLink configuration in EBSCOadmin
- Allow Read Online Button to appear with Connect Button - as described in point 4.2 (above), this allows the Read Online and Connect buttons to both appear at the same time
Record Details - will direct users to the details view of the search result
- This functions the same as if a user were to click the title of the search result, WCAG recommendation; from an accessibility standpoint, this is a redundant link that could be confusing for users with assistive technologies, therefore, you may want to consider disabling this button
Other Buttons
Read Online - links users to the URL of the search result
- Note: this button applies to searches other than EDS searches
My Saved Lists - allows users to add the search result to a default or custom made saved list
When clicked, a pop-up will open allowing the user to check "Default List" OR click "Create New List" at which point a field will appear to name the new list. Check "Add item to new list" then click Save
- Users/patrons can access their saved lists from their "My Account" page
When clicked, a pop-up will open allowing the user to check "Default List" OR click "Create New List" at which point a field will appear to name the new list. Check "Add item to new list" then click Save
Save Search - allows users to save the search they just completed. When clicked, a pop-up will appear allowing the user to name the search
- Users/patrons can access their saved searches from their "My Account" page
- Request Item - this is linked to the Integrated Library System (ILS) integrated with your Stacks site. Authenticated patrons can request a hold on an item or resource through this option
Read Online - links users to the URL of the search result
EDS Specific Buttons