At any point Administrators and Moderators can edit the layout of landing pages as well as move content on the page, modify headings and helper text, adjust the settings associated with slider functionality, and remove content from landing pages.
- Begin by navigating to the desired landing page and click the Layout tab
- See the Accessing the Landing Page section above for more instructions if needed
Editing the Layout
- Add Section(s)
- Scroll to the area on the page and clicking the +Add Section button
- Select the desired column configuration
- Add an Administrative Label, optional
- Click Add Section
- Scroll to the area on the page and clicking the +Add Section button
- Remove Section(s)
- Scroll to the section to remove, then click the X in the top left corner, just above the content in the section
- A confirmation window will appear, click Remove to complete the section removal
- Note: sections can be removed whether there is content in the section or not, removing a section with content in it will not delete the content, it can be re-added at any time
- A confirmation window will appear, click Remove to complete the section removal
- Scroll to the section to remove, then click the X in the top left corner, just above the content in the section
- Scroll to the top of the page and click Save Layout to save these changes
Editing Headings, Helper Text, and Settings
- Scroll to and hover over the content
- Click the pencil icon in the top right of the block, then click Configure
- In the window that opens, edit the information, this can include:
- Heading, edit the heading as needed
- Helper text, edit the helper text as needed
- Heading and Helper text visibility, click the eyeball icon to toggle the visibility of the heading and helper text
- Settings (for sliders and system blocks > feeds only), adjust the display settings as needed
- Click Update to save your changes
- Scroll to the top of the page and click Save Layout to save these changes
Moving Content
If you added content to the wrong section or just want to move things around on you page, content can quickly and easily be moved by clicking and dragging it to a new section.
- Hover over the content to move, when the cursor appears as a 4-way arrow, click and drag the content to the desired section
- Tip: when moving content up or down on your page, it may be easier to adjust the zoom level on your browser to see more of the page
- Scroll to the top of the page and click Save Layout to save these changes
Removing Content
If there is content you no longer wish to display on your page it can be removed, just note this process does not delete the content, it can be re-added to this or another page if needed.
- Scroll to and hover over the content to remove
- Click the pencil icon in the top right of the block, then click Remove
- A confirmation window will appear, click Remove to complete the removal of the section
- Scroll to the top of the page and click Save Layout to save these changes