The Style Editor is an administrator tool used to configure the design elements of your Stacks site directly from the homepage. This provides administrators with the ability to see their changes in real time and tweak the design as needed.
As it pertains to Databases, you have the ability to adjust a few different settings, including:
- Listings page layout
- Slider settings
How to Access the Style Editor
The style editor can only be accessed by users with the Administrator role.
- Log into your Stacks site
- Click the paint brush icon in the bottom right
- Scroll to the Featured Layout section, then click Databases to expand the options that can be configured
- Click on each option and adjust the settings as needed (described below)
Listings Page
The Listings Page area manages the layout for the database listing page
- Layout, click the radio button to select the desired layout
- Each layout determines the placement of the search and filter blocks (to the left, right, or above database listing entries)
- Featured Databases, click the radio button to select the desired layout for the featured databases
- This will determine where the block of featured databases will be displayed, either to the right or left of database listing entries
The slider area allows you to configure the behaviours associated with the Featured Databases mini-slider seen at the top of the database listings page.
- Auto Play, when checked, images in the slider will automatically advance like a carousel
- A minimum of 5 images must be displayed in the slider to see this function
- Infinite Scroll, when checked, users/patrons can keep clicking the manual advance icons on either side of the slider to advance the slides
- When they reach the end the slider will not stop and will start with the first image again