EBSCO Discovery Service (EDS) provides users with an easy, yet powerful means of accessing all of an institution's information resources through a single search. By indexing all of an institution’s internal (library) and external (database vendors) resources on EBSCOhost servers, EBSCO creates an exceptionally fast search experience based upon the powerful EBSCOhost search experience familiar to researchers worldwide.
EDS contains information from as many as 70,000 publishers and other providers who make available hundreds of millions of records from hundreds of thousands of journals, magazines, books, and other content sources.
With the EDS API, libraries will have access to premium content provided through EDS, as well as many of the unique EDS features and functionality that provide researchers with an unparalleled academic research experience.
EDS API Requirements
To integrate with EBSCO Discovery Service (EDS), you will need the following information:
- EDS Server Address
- EDS API Username
- EDS API Password
- EDS API Profile
- EBSCO Customer ID
- Group ID
If you need assistance in obtaining any of this information, you can contact EBSCO support or your EBSCO representative for help or check out the EBSCO Discovery Service (EDS) Best Practices Guide.