Configuring API Credentials
The EDS API dashboard provides a centralized location to adjust settings that impact the functionality of EBSCO Discovery Service API.
The EDS API credentials must be configured before an EDS search can be performed and have results appear directly in the Stacks site. To configure these API settings you will need:
- Server Address
- Username
- Password
- Profile
- From the Dashboard, click the Integrations tile
- Click the Search tile, then click the EBSCO Discovery Service tile
- Click the Settings tab (near the top of the page)
- Click the API Credentials menu on the left
- Server Address, enter the EDS API endpoint URL
- Username, enter the EBSCO Discovery Service (EDS) API username
- Password, enter the EBSCO Discovery Service (EDS) API password
- Profile, enter the EBSCO Discovery Service (EDS) API profile ID
- Click Save Configuration when finished
Read More Settings
The Read More section of the EDS Settings dashboard page allow administrators to configure access to a permanent link (plink) that is exposed by the Read More button in EBSCO Discovery Service searches. Expand the Read More section and provide the following information:
- Follow steps 1 - 3 from the Configuring API Credentials section above
- Click the Read More menu tab on the left side of the screen
- Authentication Type, enter the authentication type syntax configured in EBSCOhost
- If more than one syntax is configured, separate them with a comma
- Customer ID, enter the EBSCO Customer ID
- Contact your EBSCO representative if you do not have this information
- Group ID, enter the group ID parameter of the plink URL, found in EBSCOadmin
- Note: this is typically configured by your Implementation Project Manager during the initial implementation of your site, if you already subscribe to EDS
- Click Save Configuration when finished
- Authentication Type, enter the authentication type syntax configured in EBSCOhost
Stacks administrators can control the following behaviors from the Limiters section in the EBSCO Discovery Service dashboard page. The list of EDS Limiters, provided by the EDS API, will appear within an expandable tab on the EDS Search results page.
- Follow steps 1 - 3 from the Configuring API Credentials section above
- Click the Limiters menu tab on the left side of the screen
- Enable Limiters Tab, when checked, and expanded tab will appear above the facet filters in an EDS API search
- This tab will contain checkboxes users can check to override the default limiter(s) set in the EDS API profile
- Expand Limiters Tab, when checked, the Limiters tab will be expanded by default
- Hide Limiters, check the boxes beside each limiter you wish to hide from the EDS API search results page, to hide all, uncheck the Enable Limiters Tab box above
- Full Text
- References Available
- Academic (Peer-Reviewed) Journals
- Available in Library Collection
- Language Limiters
- Enable Language Limiters, when checked, language limiters will appear on the EDS API search results page
- Click Save Configuration when finished
- Enable Limiters Tab, when checked, and expanded tab will appear above the facet filters in an EDS API search
Stacks administrators can also control the following behaviors from the Expanders Tab in the EBSCO Discovery Service dashboard page. The list of EDS Expanders, provided by the EDS API, appear in an expandable tab on the EDS Search results page.
- Follow steps 1 - 3 from the Configuring API Credentials section above
- Click the Expanders menu tab on the left side of the screen
- Enable Expanders tab, when checked, an expandable tab will appear above the facet filters in the EDS API search.
- This tab will contain checkboxes users can check to override the default expander(s) set in the EDS API profile
- Click Save Configuration when finished
- Enable Expanders tab, when checked, an expandable tab will appear above the facet filters in the EDS API search.
"Facets" are a way to quickly and easily filter and narrow down search results based on specific criteria. Essentially, facets allow users to refine their search results by selecting specific categories, topics, authors, publication dates, and other relevant criteria.
When the options located within the facets tab of the EDS API settings dashboard page is enabled, they will appear opened or expanded on the EDS API Search results page, exposing specific facets that end users can click on to filter their search results. For the options listed in this section of the EDS API Settings, when the respective box(es) are checked, these groupings will be opened by default, leaving them unchecked will collapse them by default.
- Follow steps 1 - 3 from the Configuring API Credentials section above
- Click the Facets menu tab on the left side of the screen, for the options listed, check the box for the accordion to open by default for the selected option(s)
- Open Refine search accordion on page load
- Open Source Type facet filter
- Open Subject facet filter
- Open Publication facet filter
- Open Publisher facet filter
- Open Language facet filter
- Open Geography facet filter
- Open Content Provider facet filter
- Click Save Configuration when finished
Here administrators can enable placards in the EDS API search.
- Follow steps 1 - 3 from the Configuring API Credentials section above
- Click the Placards menu tab on the left side of the screen
- Enable Research Starters, when checked, and if a research starter is available, it will appear as the first search result in the list of search results
- Research starters provide quick summaries of the most popular topics in EDS
- Disable Research Starters for anonymous users, check this box to disable research starters for unauthenticated (or anonymous) users
- Enable Exact Match Publication, when enabled, and if a single publication is a match for the query, the publication's details will be displayed in its own placard in the top left-hand column beside the search results
- If more than one publication is an exact match, then no publication will be featured
- If enabled, the exact match placard can also be added as a bento box in bento searches
- Enable EDS Autocomplete, when checked, will provide search suggestions that appear based on what the user types into the search bar
- Click Save Configuration when finished
- Enable Research Starters, when checked, and if a research starter is available, it will appear as the first search result in the list of search results
Bento Search
The Bento Search section on the EDS Settings dashboard page allow you to configure specific behaviors for EDS Bento search functionality.
- Follow steps 1 - 3 from the Configuring API Credentials section above
- Click the Bento Search menu tab on the left side of the screen
- Hide refine search results button, when checked, the refine search button that typically appears near the top of the Bento results page, will be hidden
- Click Save Configuration when finished
Result Links
- Follow steps 1 - 3 from the Configuring API Credentials section above
- Click the Result Links menu tab on the left side of the screen
- Enable Open Access Databases, this will allow anonymous users access to "Read More" links for content coming from the selected Open Access & partner databases
- Check the box(es) for the databases to enable
- Enable Unpaywall Fallback, when checked, this will enable the Unpaywall API which provides access to Open Access databases and repositories for items based on their DOI
- Allow Unpaywall Access to Anonymous Users, check this box to allow unauthenticated (anonymous) users access to the unpaywall api features
- Unpaywall Authentication Method, select the appropriate radio option:
- API Key
- Enable Unpaywall Caching, when checked, results from previous API calls are cached, this can reduce the number of calls that need to be made
- Enable Unpaywall Exception Logging, check this box to enable exception logging
- Click Save Configuration when finished
- Enable Open Access Databases, this will allow anonymous users access to "Read More" links for content coming from the selected Open Access & partner databases
Resource Flow
The Resource Flow feature in Stacks has the ability to integrate with EDS to retrieve relevant results as a resource flow item.
- Follow steps 1 - 3 from the Configuring API Credentials section above
- Click the Resource Flow menu tab on the left side of the screen
- Enable EDS Query for Resource Flows, when checked, and when adding new resources to a resource flow, a Query EDS button will appear
- The user can query EDS for a resource, if found and depending on the information available, the fields below may auto-populate with information for the resource
- Click Save Configuration when finished
- Enable EDS Query for Resource Flows, when checked, and when adding new resources to a resource flow, a Query EDS button will appear
Related Content
- Follow steps 1 - 3 from the Configuring API Credentials section above
- Click the Related Content menu tab on the left side of the screen
- Enable Related Content Block
- Click Save Configuration when finished
Citation Badge
Using Citation Badge, this will display the context of the citation, describing whether the article supports, mentions, or contrasts the cited claims. It also includes a label indicating in which section the citation was made.
- Follow steps 1 - 3 from the Configuring API Credentials section above
- Click the Citation Badge menu tab on the left side of the screen
- Enable Citation Type Badge, when checked will enable the citation type badge
- Click Save Configuration when finished