One of the first steps in configuring the Room Bookings feature is to create the rooms that your patrons/users will be able to book.
Users with the Administrator, Moderator, Booking Manager, or Program Manager role will be able to create and edit the rooms which your users and/or patrons can make requests for.
Before creating rooms there are a couple of items to consider, Labels, Filter Vocabularies, and Easy Forms.
Almost all field names and labels can be changed within Stacks, review the labels associated with the rooms and the fields on the room booking form, to make sure the terminology matches what your users/patrons would expect to see.
To update labels:
- From the Dashboard, click Bookings Management
- Click the Rooms tile, then click the Labels tab near the top of the screen
- Review the labels in the Fields, Listing View, and Booking Form tabs (on the left side of the screen) and change any values as needed
- Click Submit when finished
Filter Vocabularies
Filter Vocabularies are lists of values that can be used by your users/patrons to filter and group information in Stacks; in the case of room bookings, these are the Room Type and Room Category fields.
If you haven't already added values to these lists, consider how you may want your users/partrons to be able to filter and group the list of rooms using these two list fields. For example Room Category could contain values associated with room size (eg. small, medium, large), and Room Type could further identify the room (eg. study room, meeting room, boardroom).
To add to or update filter vocabularies:
- From the Dashboard, click Bookings Management
- Click the Rooms tile, then click the Filter Vocabularies tab near the top of the screen
- Click the List Terms link to the right of the Room Type
- To Add new values:
- Click +Add Term
- Enter the name for the new term
- Click Save, to save the value and stay in this screen to add another OR click Save and go to list, to save this value and return to the list term view
- To Edit a value:
- Click the Edit button to the right of the value
- Update the name
- Click Save
- To Add new values:
- Repeat the steps above for the Room Category
Easy Forms
You can add an EasyForm to the booking process for individual rooms to capture more information from your users/patrons who are requesting bookings.
Consider what additional information you may require and build the form to include with your room bookings. Form more information on how to create a form, please see the article Creating Easy Forms.
Creating Rooms
- From the Dashboard, click the Bookings Management tile
- Click the Rooms tile
- Click + Add Room
Title - enter a title (name) for the room
- This is how patrons will identify the room they wish to book
- Body - enter any applicable information related to the room, for example, this could include amenities or equipment in the room that can be used
Bookable - check this box to make the room bookable by patrons
- Note: this box must be checked to make the room a bookable entity
Joined Room - check this box if the room is attached to another room which could potentially be booked at the same time, the room will then be listed in a drop-down list with all other joined rooms for patrons to select from
- Note, the other room must also have the Joined Room box checked as well
Location - select the location of the room
- Note: the values that can be selected here come from the Locations and Hours
- Occupancy - enter the maximum occupancy for the room
Room Category - select the most appropriate value
- Reminder, this is a filter vocabulary field as described in the Considerations section of this article
Room Type - select the most appropriate value
- Reminder, this is a filter vocabulary field as described in the Considerations section of this article
Easy Form - select the appropriate form from the list, users/patrons completing a room booking will be prompted to also complete this form when submitting their request
- Note: the Bookable box must be checked in order for this field to appear
Easy Form Settings, click the drop-down to expand the section
Status, select the most appropriate option
- Open, the form is open and submissions can be made
- Closed, the form is closed and submissions cannot be made
- Scheduled, the form is open for submissions during a specified time
Status, select the most appropriate option
Open Hours, click the drop-down to expand the section
- Click Set Open Hours, then enter the room's open hours for each day in the From and To fields
- Note, if left blank, open hours will default to the hours for location
- Comment - use this field to add any relevant information, this could include typing 'Closed' if there were a day the room would not be bookable (on a consistent basis, for exceptions, see below)
- Click Add Time Slot to add multiple times during the day, a second set of From and To fields will appear below, repeat as needed
- For example, use this if the room is available from 8am - 11am, then again from 1pm - 3pm
- Click Copy last day or Copy previous day to save time in configuring open hours if they are the same for multiple days
- Click Set Open Hours, then enter the room's open hours for each day in the From and To fields
Exceptions - exceptions can be added to account for abnormal hours or temporary closures which are exceptions to the open hours above. This could be for holidays, special events ,etc.
- Click Add Exception
- Date - enter the date for the exception
- From and To - enter the from and to time to indicate the alternate hours
- Comment - use this field to add any relevant information, this could include typing 'Closed' if there were a day the room would not be bookable
- Click Add Time Slot to add multiple times during the day, a second set of From and To fields will appear below, repeat as needed
- For example, use this if the room is available from 8am - 11am, then again from 1pm - 3pm
- Click Copy last day or Copy previous day to save time in configuring open hours if they are the same for multiple days
- Click Add Exception
- Click Save to save the room configuration
Title - enter a title (name) for the room
Room Display Settings
When users or patrons are viewing the list of rooms you have added to Stacks, you have the ability to configure settings associated with how the listing and detail views are displayed to your users and patrons.
- The Listing View will be the default view users/patrons will see when navigating to the /rooms page of your Stacks site, here they will see a list of all created rooms
- The Details View will be the view users/patrons will see when they click on any one room (from either /availability or /rooms page) to read/view the full room details
- From the Dashboard, click Bookings Management
- Click the Rooms tile, then click the Settings tab near the top of the screen,
- Click the Listing View sub-tab
Enable Listing View, when checked this enables access to the listing view for the content type
- If disabled, when a user attempts to load the URL for this content, they will be redirected to the homepage
- Title, edit the title for the page if desired, the default value is Rooms
- Description, enter a description for the page if desired, this will be visible to users/patrons
Display section
- Expand First Group by Default, check this box to expand the items, when they are grouped
- Display search form, check this box to display a search bar for rooms
- Display A-Z Link Index, check this box to display a link on the list view when "Group by None" is selected
- Enable Add to saved list button, check this box to enable a save to list button
Defaults section
- Default Page Limit, select the number of rooms to be displayed before pagination is enforced
Default Grouping, select the default value rooms should be grouped by
- Note: users/patrons can change this when viewing the list of rooms
- Default Sort Field, select the default value rooms should be sorted by
Default Sort Order, select the default order in which rooms should be sorted
- Note: users/patrons can change this when viewing the list of rooms
Field Visibility section
- Check the box beside each field that should be made visible to users/patrons when viewing the list of rooms
- Click Save configuration when finished
Enable Listing View, when checked this enables access to the listing view for the content type
- Click the Details View sub-tab
Field Visibility section
- Check the box beside each field that should be made visible to users/patrons when viewing the list of rooms
- Enable Add to saved list button, check this box to enable a save to list button
- Click Save configuration when finished
Field Visibility section
Editing and Deleting Rooms
If there is a need to edit the details associated with the rooms you have created, or if you need to delete a room, both functions can be completed.
- From the Dashboard, click the Bookings Management tile
- Click the Rooms tile
- Find the room to edit or delete by
- Browse the list; OR
- Search the list by room title (name)
- Once found, under the Operations column,
- To Edit
- Click the Edit button
- Edit the necessary information
- Click Save when complete
- Click the Edit button
- To Delete
- Click the drop-down arrow, then click Delete
- A confirmation window will appear
- Click Delete to confirm the room deletion
- Click Cancel to cancel the deletion and keep the room
- To Edit