Callouts are a great visual element that can be added to your Stacks site to call attention to important information, features, or direct users to other areas in Stacks or websites outside of Stacks.
Once you have created one or more callouts, you can then navigate to the layout builder and begin adding them to landing pages.
Callouts can be created and edited by users with the Editor, Moderator, or Administrator roles. Just note editors can only edit the callouts they created, and only moderators or administrators can delete callouts.
To create a callout:
- From the Dashboard, click Callouts
- Click Add Callout, then in the window that opens, complete the fields as needed:
Title - add a title for the callout
- This title is for administrative purposes and will be the name that appears in the list of callouts on your dashboard
- Language - select the appropriate language value from the list
- Click the Add Callout button just below the language field, a section will appear to add the details for a single callout block
- Title - this is the title for the callout block
Image - click the button to browse for and select existing image or upload a new image that will be displayed within the callout block
- For an optimal user experience see the Recommended Image Sizes article for guidance when uploading/selecting images
Link - add a URL to this field, users will be directed to this url when the title or image is clicked
- For links to external websites be sure to use the full URL (eg:
- For links to Stacks internal pages use the URL alias (eg: /events)
Description - enter more information or a detailed description of the action or area you are drawing attention to
- Tip: for consistency, you can enable a Read More link from the Style Editor to ensure description lengths are uniform across all callout blocks
Additional Links - click the Add Link button if additional links are required, add the appropriate URL and Link Text as needed
- Patrons/users will see these links will below the description, if one has been added
Title - add a title for the callout
- Click Add Callouts button below the Additional Links fields to add more callout blocks and repeat the steps above as needed
- You can create up to 4 blocks within each row of callouts
- Review and configure the Publishing workflow as needed
- Click Save
Once a callout has been created, it can be added to your Stacks site; see the article Adding Content to Landing Pages for more information.