The Style Editor is an administrator tool used to configure the design elements of your Stacks site directly from the homepage. This provides administrators with the ability to see their changes in real time and tweak the design as needed.
As it pertains to Directory Listings, you have the ability to adjust a few different settings, including:
- Page layout
- Accordion Color (font, links, background, border)
Access the Style Editor by logging into your Stacks site, then click the paint brush icon in the bottom right.
Scroll to the Featured Layout section, then click Directory Listing to expand the options that can be configured. Click on each option and adjust the settings as needed.
Listings Page
The Listings Page section manages the layout and colours used for the directory listing page.
- Layout
- Choose from one of three available layouts, each layout determines the placement of the search and filter blocks (to the left, right, or above directory listing entries)
Accordion Color
The Accordion is the expandable groups in which directory listings are organized. Here, you can configure the colors for the options listed below. For each, click the color preview icon, select the color for the option, color selection can be by the HEX or RGB code if you have either.
- Font - this is the color of the text in the accordion groups
- Link - this is for any links within directory listing entries
- Background - this will appear behind the accordion groups (Category or Title)
- Border - the border will surround each group