With the Segment Survey feature in Stacks, administrators can create a quick survey that is used to assign new users to a particular patron segment when they first log into Stacks.
Patron Segments allow organizations the ability to control the content that users have access to. When creating or editing content, in the Content Protection section of the Publishing Workflow, patron segement(s) can be selected to control who can see that content.
Administrators can create a survey that asks a question like "What group do you belong to?" and provide responses based on the organization's groups, roles, divisions, etc. When the user makes a selection, they will continue to be logged into Stacks and automatically assigned to the patron segment based on their selection.
Creating Segments
Before creating the survey, you must first create the segments that users could be added to, if you have not created any segments yet, follow these instructions:
- From the Dashboard, click the People tile
- Click the Segments tab near the top of the screen
- Click + Add Segment
- Title, enter a title for the segments
Name, add relevant terms to associate with the segment
- Click Add another item, to repeat and add more terms
- Click Save when finished
Creating Surveys
Once the segments have been created, you can now create the survey.
- Click the Surveys tab near the top of the screen
- Click + Add Survey
- Heading, enter a name for the survey
- Question, enter the first question of the survey
Choices, select the first segment option to display
- Click Add another item to repeat and add more segment choices
- Required, check this box to make the question required for the user to answer
- Multiple selection, check this box to allow for multiple segement selections
- Randomize, check this box to randomize the choices
- Show Heading, check this box to show the survey heading
- Click Save when finished
Survey Settings
Once a survey has been configured, additional settings allow administrators to enable or disable the survey as well as control which survey users will see (if you create more than one).
- Click the Settings sub-tab near the top of the screen
- Enabled, check this box to enable the survey option
- Default Survey, select the most appropriate survey
- Required, check this box to force users to complete the survey
- Click Save Configuration when finished