As discussed in Manually Creating Collection Items, an alternative option, especially when needed to create many items, is to import the collections items via .csv file.
Before you can import collection items, you will need to complete the following tasks:
- Ensure the collection has been created
- Update the collection’s labels
- Configure the Collections Field Mappings
- Ensure the CSV file is saved in UTF-8 format
To Import Collection Items:
- From the Dashboard, click Collections
- Find the collection to import items to by
- Browsing the list; or
- Searching the list by collection name
- Once found, under the Operations column, click the drop-down arrow, then click Import
- Click + Add import, complete the fields:
- Title - this is used as an internal reference for the import
- It is recommend to use something that will allow administrators to easily identify the import should it need to be rolled back later
- File - click the Choose File button to browse for and select the .csv file
- Delimiter - choose the character that is used to delimit fields in the .csv file
- Many regions use a comma; however, there may be cases where your language or region uses a different character, for example, Germany uses a semi-colon
- No Headers - It is recommended that all .csv files contain a header row for easy reference and management of the file
- Enable this option if your file does not contain a header row
- Title - this is used as an internal reference for the import
- Click Save and Import
- As the Import progresses, please note:
- The title will be checked against all existing collection items, if there is an exact match, the collection item in the .csv file will be skipped
- The progress bar will indicate the activity for each collection item; it is normal to see the progress bar completing and restarting multiple times
- While the import is in progress, do not navigate away from the page that displays the progress bar
- Once complete, you will see a message indicating the import was successful; or if an error occurred, information about the failed import will be provided
- As the Import progresses, please note: