Each form has its own group of settings and preferences which can be configured to control how users may access the form, number of submissions that can be made, email addresses associated with submissions, and more.
The general tab is where administrators can edit information initially entered when the form is created, like the title, description, and category; as well as, configure additional settings associated with the form.
To access these settings:
- From the Dashboard, click Easy Forms
- Find the form to configure the settings for by:
- Browse the list; OR
- Search the list by form name
- Once found, under the Operations column, click the drop down arrow, then click Settings
- Click the General sub-tab
General settings
- Title, displays the title added when the form was created, edit if needed
- Administrative Description, displays the description added when the form was created, edit if needed
- Category, displays the category selected when the form was created, edit if needed
- Archive this Easy Form, when checked, the form will be closed and unavailable
- Disable saving of submissions, when checked, submission settings, limits, purging and saving of drafts is disabled. Submissions must be sent via an email or processed using a custom easy form handler
- Ignore disabled results warning, when checked, will suppress all warnings and log messages about "This Easy Form is currently not saving any submitted data."
- This field is only visible when Disabling saving submissions has been checked
- Ignore disabled results warning, when checked, will suppress all warnings and log messages about "This Easy Form is currently not saving any submitted data."
URL path settings
- Allow users to post submissions from a dedicated URL, if unchecked, the form must be attached to a node or block to receive submissions
- Easy Form URL Alias, this is optionally used to create a link to the form or for users to navigate directly to the form by entering the URL into the address bar of their browser
- The default URL is: /form/<form name>
- Confirmation Page URL Alias, this is optionally used to create a link to the form's confirmation page or for users to navigate directly to the page by entering the URL into the address bar of their browser
- The default URL is: /form/<form name>/confirmation
- Page Theme, select the theme that will be used when the easy form is displayed as a page with a dedicated URL
Ajax settings
- Use Ajax, if checked, paging, saving drafts, previews, submissions and confirmations will not initiate a page refresh. Note: the fields listed below are displayed when this box has been checked:
- Ajax progress type, select the progress indicator displayed when Ajax is triggered
- On Ajax load, scroll to the top of the..., select where the page should scroll to when paging, saving drafts, previews, submissions and confirmations. Select 'None' to disable scrolling
- Ajax effect, select the effect that will be displayed when Ajax is triggered
- Ajax speed, select the effect speed. Default is 500 milliseconds
Third party settings
- Honeypot, this can be used to help mitigate spam submissions from easy forms, by using this feature to help attract cyberattacks, like a decoy
- Protect <form name> with Honeypot, checking this box will enable the honeypot feature
- Add time restriction to <form name>, checking this box will disable page caching when a time restriction is applied
- Honeypot, this can be used to help mitigate spam submissions from easy forms, by using this feature to help attract cyberattacks, like a decoy
- Click Save when finished