Each form has its own group of settings and preferences which can be configured to control how users may access the form, number of submissions that can be made, email addresses associated with submissions, and more.
The Form tab allows administrators to configure a form's status, attributes, behaviours, labels, messages and more.
To access these settings:
- From the Dashboard, click Easy Forms
- Find the form to configure the settings for by:
- Browse the list; OR
- Search the list by form name
- Once found, under the Operations column, click the drop down arrow, then click Settings
- Click the Form sub-tab
Form general settings
- Form Status, choose from
- Open (visible to users)
- Closed
- Scheduled
- This will prompt you to enter an Open and/or Close Date if applicable
- Form title display, select how the form's title is displayed when the form is attached to a source entity
- Form Open Message, when a form is set to Scheduled, the text entered here will appear in place of the form until the scheduled open date has passed
- Unless changed, the default message reads: "This form has not yet been opened to submissions"
- Enter [none] in this field to hide the message
- Form Closed Message, this is the message to display when a form is closed or the submission limit has been reached
- Unless changed, the default message reads: "This form is closed to new submissions"
- Enter [none] in this field to hide the message
- Form Exception Message, this is the message to be displayed if the easy form breaks
- Unless changed, the default message reads: "Unable to display this Easy Form. Please contact the site administrator"
- Enter [none] in this field to hide the message
- Form Attributes
- Form CSS classes, applies classes to the element
- Select 'custom...' to select custom classes
- Form CSS style, apply custom styles to the element
- Form custom attributes (YAML), enter additional attributes to be added to the element
- Form CSS classes, applies classes to the element
Form behaviors
- Form
- Display reset button, when checked, users will be able to reset a form and restart multi-step wizards
- Current drafts will be deleted when the form is reset
- Prevent duplicate submissions, when checked the submit button will be disabled immediately after it is clicked
- Display reset button, when checked, users will be able to reset a form and restart multi-step wizards
- Navigation
- Disable back button, when checked, users will not be able to navigate back to the form using the browser's back button
- Submit previous page when browser back button is clicked, when checked, the browser back button will submit the previous page and navigate back, emulating the behaviour of a user clicking a wizard's or preview page's back button
- Warn users about unsaved changes, when checked, users will see a waring message when they navigate away from a form with unsaved changes
- Validation
- Disable client-side validation, when checked, the invalidate attribute, which disables client-side validation, will be added to the form
- Disable inline form errors, when checked, inline form errors will be disabled for the form
- Display required indicator, when checked, required elements indicator will be added to the form
- Elements
- Autofocus the first element, when checked, the first visible and enabled form element will be focused when completing a new submission
- Disable autocompletion, when checked, autocomplete will be disabled for all form elements
- Display collapsed/expanded all details link, when checked, expand/collapse all (details) link is added to all forms
- Prepopulate
- Allow all elements to be populated using query string parameters, when checked, all elements can be populated using query string parameters
- Allow source entity to be populated using query string parameters, when checked, source entity can be populated using query string parameters
Form access denied settings
- When a user is denied access to this Easy Form, select from
- Default (Displays the default access denied page)
- Inline (Displays message when access is denied to field, node, and blocks)
- Access denied message, enter the message to display
- Page (Displays message when access is denied to forms, fields, nodes, and blocks)
- Access denied title, enter a title for the page
- Access denied message, enter the message to display
- Login (Redirects to user login form and displays message. Field, nodes, and block only display the message)
- Access denied message, enter the message to display
Form wizard settings
- Progress
- Show wizard bar progress, when checked, a progress bar will be displayed about the form
- Link to previous pages in progress bar, when checked, previous pages will be linked in the progress bar
- Show wizard progress pages, when checked, the current page and total number of pages will be displayed (eg. Page 1 of 10)
- Show wizard progress percentage, when checked, the percentage of completed pages will be displayed (eg. 10%)
- Link to previous pages in preview, when checked, the preview page will include 'Edit' buttons for each previous page
- This is only accessible when 'Enable Preview Page' is enabled
- Update wizard progress bar's pages based on conditions, when checked, the progress bar's pages will be hidden or shown based on each page's condition logic
- Pages
- Include confirmation page in progress, when checked, the confirmation page will be included in the progress bar
- Labels
- Wizard start label, the first page label in the progress bar
- Defaults to 'Start'
- Wizard end label, the confirmation page's label in the progress bar
- Defaults to 'Complete'
- Wizard previous page button label, the previous page button within a wizard
- Defaults to '< Previous'
- Wizard next page button label, the next page button within a wizard
- Defaults to 'Next >'
- Wizard start label, the first page label in the progress bar
- Tracking
- Track wizard progress in the URL by, this allows analytic software to capture a multi-step form's progress
Form preview settings
- Enable preview page, allows for previewing the easy form before submitting, choose from the following options:
- Disabled
- Optional
- Required
- Enable preview page, allows for previewing the easy form before submitting, choose from the following options:
- Click Save when finished