Each form has its own group of settings and preferences which can be configured to control how users may access the form, number of submissions that can be made, email addresses associated with submissions, and more.
The Submissions settings allow administrators to customize the labels, behaviours, limits and draft settings associated with easy form submissions.
To access these settings:
- From the Dashboard, click Easy Forms
- Find the form to configure the settings for by:
- Browse the list; OR
- Search the list by form name
- Once found, under the Operations column, click the drop down arrow, then click Settings
- Click the Submissions sub-tab
Submission general settings
Submission label, enter a custom label for the form submission
- Defaults to: [Easy from submisision: submitted to:] Submission # [Easy form submission:serial]
Submission exception message, the message to be displayed if the submission handling breaks
- Defaults to: 'Unable to process this submission. Please contact the site administrator'
- Enter [none] in this field to hide the message
Submission locked message, message to be displayed if a submission is locked
- Defaults to: 'This submission has been locked'
- Enter [none] in this field to hide the message
Previous submission message, message displayed when there is a previous submission
- Defaults to: 'You have already submitted this easy form. <a href='#'> View your previous submission </a>'
- Enter [none] in this field to hide the message
- Previous submissions message, message displayed when there have been multiple previous submissions
- Defaults to: 'You have already submitted this easy form. <a href='#'> View your previous submission </a>'
- Enter [none] in this field to hide the message
- Next submission number, the value of the next submission number, typically starting at 1 and continuing to get large with each submission
- Disable next submission number, when checked, the next number will be automatically set to the internal submission id
Included submission values
- Check the box beside each for element to be included in the submission
- Exclude empty elements, when checked, will exclude any empty elements in the submission
- Exclude unselected checkboxes, when checked, will exclude any unchecked checkboxes in the submission
Submission behaviors
- Confidential submissions, when checked, confidential submissions will have no recorded IP address and must be submitted while logged out
- Convert anonymous user drafts and submissions to authenticated user, when checked, submissions made by an anonymous user will automatically be assigned to their user account when they log in
- Show the notification about previous submissions, when checked, the previous submissions notification will be displayed when there have been previous submissions
- Disable the tracking of user IP address, when checked, a users's IP address will not be tracked when submitting the form
- Log submission events, when checked, events will be logged when the form is submitted
- Allow users to customize submission results table, when checked, users will be able to modify the submissions results table for the form
Submission user settings
- Allow users to duplicate previous submissions, when checked, users will be able to duplicate their previous submissions
Submission user columns
- Check the box beside the elements to be included when submitting
Submission access token settings
Allow users to view a submission using a secure token, when checked, users will be able to view a submission using the easy form's submission URL appended with the submission's (secure) token
- The 'tokenized' URL will be available when viewing a submissions information and can be included in an email with the [Easy form_submission:token-view-url] token
Allow users to update a submission using a secure token, when checked, users will be able to update a submission using the easy form's submission URL appended with the submission's (secure) token
- The 'tokenized' URL will be available when viewing a submissions information and can be included in an email with the [Easy form_submission:token-update-url] token
- Only forms that are open to new submissions can be updated using the secure token
Allow users to delete a submission using a secure token, when checked, users will be able to delete a submission using the easy form's submission URL appended with the submission's (secure) token
- The 'tokenized' URL will be available when viewing a submissions information and can be included in an email with the [Easy form_submission:token-delete-url] token
Submission access denied settings
When a user is denied access to a submission, select what happens when a user is denied access, select from
- Default (Displays the default access denied page)
- Page (Displays message when access is denied to a submission)
- Login (Redirects to the user login form and displays message)
Submission limit settings
Total submissions
- Total submissions limit, enter a numerical value for the total number of submissions allowed
- Total submissions limit per source entity, enter a numerical value for the total number of submissions per source entity
- Limit total to one submission per Easy Form/source entity, when checked, will limit submissions to 1 submission per easy form or source entity
Per user
- Per user submission limit, enter a numerical value for the total number of submissions a user can submit for this form
- Per user submission limit per source entity, enter a numerical value for the total number of submissions a user can submit per source entity
- Limit users to one submission per Easy Form/source entity, when checked, will limit users to just one submission per easy form or source entity
Submission purge settings
- Automatically purge, select the most appropriate option to automatically purge submissions
Submission draft settings
- Allow your users to save and finish the Easy Form later, select the most appropriate option
Submission autofill settings
Autofill with previous submission data, when checked, will allow for the auto filling of the form submission with data from a previous submission. Additional fields will appear below when the box is checked
- Autofill message, enter the message to display
- Autofill elements, select the elements to be included when auto filling by checking or unchecking the box beside the element to show or hide it
Submission view settings
Note: this requires the Webform Views Integration module to be installed.
- Select view, select the most appropriate value
- Name, enter a name for the view
- Title, enter a title for the view
Apply to webform
- Submissions
- User drafts
- Users submissions
- Click Add, and enter a numerical value to add additional views as needed
- Click Save when finished