If you have RSS feeds on a landing page of your Stacks site and you find RSS items are no longer being added to the feed it could be a symptom of the feed URL being inactive, incorrect, or broken.
Verify the Feed URL
It is possible the organization your feed is subscribed to has either been removed or edited in some way by the provider. Use a tool like https://validator.w3.org to confirm the URL is valid.
Feed Configuration
Doublecheck your feed configuration, there are 2 settings, feed pruning and feed expiration, that if incorrectly configured, may cause you to think the feed is broken.
Feed Pruning
This is a useful setting that is configured to automatically delete RSS items that are older than the identified date/time or duration. If not removed after a period of time, the ever-increasing amount of RSS items could introduce performance issues to your site.
If this setting is configured with a date/time or duration that is too short (or too close to the RSS item creation date/time), it may remove the item(s) too quickly, causing it to look like items are not being imported.
Feed Expiration
This setting will automatically unpublish a RSS feed after the identified date/time or duration. If configured with an incorrect date/time or duration, the feed may be removed from the landing page prematurely due to it being unpublished.
To review and/or change the feed configuration discussed above, please see the article Editing and Deleting RSS Feeds
Feeds from EBSCO Discovery Service (EDS Feeds)
In the summer of 2024, EBSCO introduced a New EDS which all customers will eventually be migrating to. Unlike the Classic EDS, this new UI no longer supports the ability to generate RSS feeds, as such, existing customers will find existing RSS feeds which were previously configured in the Classic EDS will no longer function.